Peru, Yanamote, Honey

Peru, Yanamote, Honey

15.00 EUR

Edy Robles Sosa and his wife Yolanda Cabrera Alvarez own coffee farm Finca Yanamote in Cusco. The farm spans 5 hectares and lies at an altitude of 1800 masl. The coffee plants you find here are all Bourbon variety. Bourbon grows exceptionally well at higher altitudes and this translates in great cup quality! However, it is a risky undertaking because Bourbon is very prone to diseases. Edy Robles and Yolanda Alvarez use honey process for their Bourbon. This specific lot goes undergoes a double anaerobic fermentation: first, the cherries are fermented for 18 hours, then they are depulped and then they are fermented for a second time for an additional 36 to 48 hours. Afterwards they are washed and put to dry on raised beds for 19 days, whilst raked frequently to ensure an even drying process.


ProducerEdy Robles Sosa

Big body and rhum-like character and aroma with notes of plum, raisin, cinnamon and dark chocolate.



To discover these flavour profiles we recommend to use soft mineral water with a low HCO3 (bicarbonate) & aim for total hardness of less than 140 mg/l.