Espresso B ++, Brazil (ideal for fully automatic machines like Jura)
Espresso B stands for 100% Brazil, no blends, all credits to the producers. We work with the same producers every year and aim for the best possible quality only. Caixa da Fruta is a blend created at the Cocatrel Cooperative in Sul de Minas in Brazil, who source from various smallholder farmers in the region, at heights between 900 and 1100 masl. Its name literally means box of fruits and refers to the flavours as perceived by the team at Cocatrel when creating this blend profile. All coffees that are part of Caixa da Fruta are dried in so-called ‘static’ boxes of 1m deep with a volume capacity of 15000 liter (1500 kg of coffee). At the bottom are vented air grills which allow for an even air circulation and the temperature inside is kept below 40 degrees at all times. Interesting about this static drying is that the cherries are touched nor raked throughout the whole process. After drying, the coffee is rested for 1 or 2 weeks - depending on the weather circumstances - before milling.
Origin | Sul de Minas |
Producer | Caixa da Fruta |
Process | Natural |
Variety | Mixed variety |
Notes | The foundation of our espresso range. A very solid and sweet Brazil with chocolate, roasted hazelnuts and cherry flavours. |
To discover these flavour profiles we recommend to use soft mineral water with a low HCO3 (bicarbonate) & aim for total hardness of less than 140 mg/l.